
It saddens us to tell you that former CSK teacher Mr James Huang Ching Chung has passed away on 9 January at the age of 96. We express our heartfelt condolences and thanks.

Mr Huang was among the very first group of CSK teachers back in 1969. Until retiring in 1980, he taught us Chinese, English and Mathematics. He also coached CSK’s badminton team.

Before CSK, Mr Huang taught in La Salle college. His students there included Mr Terry Lai and Mr Andrew Fok, who also joined CSK as teachers when it was founded in 1969!

Mr Huang’s family want to notify his former students about arrangements of his funeral. We are including it in the Chinese version.


謹以沉痛的心情通告各位,我校開校元老黃敬忠老師 (James Huang Ching Chung) 已於一月九日與世長辭, 享年九十六歲,本會謹致哀忱。

黃老師生於1920年,是上海聖約翰大學畢業生,由1969年至1980年在本校任教。 他除了教授中文、英文、數學等科目之外,還負責帶領羽毛球校隊。

黃敬忠老師在轉到本校之前服務於喇沙書院,本校另外兩位「開國功臣」 黎偉民老師和霍兆霖老師,當時都曾是他的學生。


「先父黃敬忠於二零一六年一月九日與世長辭,享年九十六歲。謹擇於二零一六年一月二十五日四時至九時於沙田 大圍悠安街寶福紀念館舉行公祭。二十六日火葬於大圍富山火葬場。」

Author: webadmin

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