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CSK Student Association’s 55th Anniversary Souvenir Presale [Updated]

On behalf of CSK Student Association (SA), we are excited to announce a special presale of unique souvenirs, designed to celebrate our Alma Mater ‘s 55th anniversary. These souvenirs, created by our students, will help fund the Student Association’s Variety Show in July 2025. By purchasing these exclusive items, you are directly supporting our students in creating a memorable event in their school lives. For this presale, all sales proceeds will be entirely given to the Student Association.

Due to the manufacturing schedule, the presale will end by November 5, 24 (Tue).

For local alumni, please email your order, along with your full name, year, and mobile number to, and make the payment through FPS (FPS Proxy ID: 1138-13042). Then, the presale items will be available for collection on CSK’s Open Day (December 7 – 8, 24) or our Anniversary Dinner (February 22, 25).

For overseas alumni, please email your order with your information to A payment email with PayPal link will be sent to you. Please note that additional charges will apply for shipping and transaction costs.

My Career 2024-2025: 誠邀 CSK 舊生與同學分享職業資訊

陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院為高中學生舉辦 My Career 生涯規劃活動,希望Old boys可以親臨校園分享自己工作,讓學生了解最新職場資訊。

學生會與當天Old boys進行幾次小組討論。

日期及時間: 11月30日(周六) 香港時間 1:30pm-4:30pm
地點: CSK Campus

根據早前收集學生意見,希望舊生能協助分享以下行業資訊 :
1. 科技創新 Technology and Innovation
2. 創業及商界 Entrepreneur
3. 金融、會計及保險 Financing, Accountancy, and Insurance
4. 醫療衞生 Medical and Health Services
5. 教育及培訓 Education and Training
6. 社工、社會企業及慈善機構 Social Work and Charity
7. 媒體、公關、演藝、文化及出版 Media, Communication, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication
8. 工程、建築、測量、都市規劃 Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Surveying and Planning
9. 酒店、住宿及膳食服務Hospitality
10. 公共行政 Public Admin
11. 製造及設計 Manufacturing and Design
12. 進出口貿易及批發Import/Export Trade & Wholesale
13. 其他舊生自薦行業 Others

如有興趣,請聯絡陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院舊生會幹事Kenneth Wong (WhatsApp: 98728104)。

Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College 55th Anniversary Dinner

📣📣📣All Boys in Red, Act Now!📣📣📣

🎊Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College 55th Anniversary Dinner🎊
Date: 22 February 2025 (Saturday)
Venue: BP International, No. 8 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

🎫Tickets on sale starting 16th September 2024
Original ticket price: HK$1,180 per head
Early Bird price (ends by 30 November 2024): HK$980 per head
Payment methods: we accept FPS & Paypal

Please register at:
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Huang (school office) at 27118175
or email at

See you soon!🙌

#cskoba #csklsc

Old Boy Presented in PTA Seminar

On February 25th, 2024, our old boy, Professor Wong W.C. Paul (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU) presented a seminar to CSKPTA about the mental health issues for teenagers and their parents. The seminar was well received by the CSK boys’ parents.

Lasallian Schools’ Alumni Soccer Games

On February 18th, 2024, CSKOBA organized friendly soccer matches with the alumnus of De La Salle Secondary School and Chong Gene Hang College in CSK playground, and five teams were participated in the matches. The champion of the games was De La Salle Secondary School’s Team A, and the first runner-up was Chong Gene Hang’s Team. After the games, CSK Principal, Mr. T.L. Lee presented the medals to the teams.

Ms. Lee Yim Ming, Yvonne RIP

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Ms. Lee Yim Ming, Yvonne, former vice principal of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, who died on 25th December, 2023 in Australia. We offer our sincere condolences to her family. May her soul rest in the peace of the Lord.

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