Ms. Lee Yim Ming, Yvonne RIP
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Ms. Lee Yim Ming, Yvonne, former vice principal of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, who died on 25th December,…
record of CSK related people who are memorable
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Ms. Lee Yim Ming, Yvonne, former vice principal of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, who died on 25th December,…
我們懷着沉痛的心情通知各位校友:我校退休老師 劉聲老師 於2022年3月8日辭世。 劉老師在1971年加入本校。持有師範、中文大學、文商碩士學位。他的中文字體非常端正、秀麗。並在教授籃球技術上尤其出色,在十數年間我校於學界籃球A B C Grade都盡取佳績,累積多個獎項,亦培育多位出色的球員。劉老師曾代表本地大學,出戰世界大學比賽。亦是當時本港勁旅均安球員(5號球衣),也是港隊隊長。備受我校校隊的隊員歡迎及敬佩。 謹向他的家人致以最深切的慰問!主佑陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院 舊生會 敬告
Mr. Chan King Luen, benefactor of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, passed away on 16th January 2022.We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Chan.May his…
It is with great sadness to inform you that our beloved Brother Lawrence Blake FSC, former principal and supervisor of CSK, passed away at 11:35 am, 05 November 2021 at…
各位可以透過以下的連結 於明天三月十九日 下午二時十五分收看YouTube直播 Mr. Michael O'Brien 的安息彌撒 For those who can’t attend the funeral in person, you may link into below’s link for the live broadcast on 19th March 2021,…
Mr. Michael Edwin O'brien, You are always loved and never forgotten. You are always in many CSK boys' memories. May your soul rest in peace. CSKOBA