Dear Registrants,

50th Anniversary Dinner Souvenirs

We are pleased to inform you that the sub-committee is going to distribute the 50th Anniversary Dinner souvenirs to registrants on 4th and 5th June, 2022. Details are as follows:

4th & 5th June, 2022
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
School Playground
50th Anniversary Dinner souvenirs:
1) wine glass and
2) 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue

(Non-dinner registrants who are interested to buy the wine glass & 50th Anniversary Souvenirs are also welcome)

Kindly be reminded that Vaccine Pass has been implemented in schools. Visitors have to comply with the vaccination requirements and use the LeaveHomeSafe application when they enter school premises.

The sub-committee will also hold a souvenir sale on these two days. It will be a great opportunity for registrants to purchase additional wine glasses (HK$150 each) or other 50th Anniversary souvenirs while stocks last (Please refer to the list of souvenirs attached).

If registrants are not able to collect the souvenirs on these two days, they can collect the souvenirs from the school office by 31st August, 2022.

50th Anniversary Dinner Organising Sub-committee
Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Author: webadmin

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