2014 Spring Outing with PTA

Dear old boys:

As in previous years, our 2014 Spring Outing will be co-organized with the CSK Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). In this year, we have arranged a one-day outing to Ma Shi Chau in the north-east side of Hong Kong. This event is to be held on March 2, 2014 (Sunday).All CSK Old Boys and families are welcome to join.

The deadline for “Paid” enrollment is Jan 29, 2014 (Wednesday)
The details of event schedule is attached.

Payment can be made directly to the OBA bank account at:
A/C Name: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College Old Boys’ Association Limited
A/C Number: 043-477-10746777
Bank: Nanyang Commercial Bank (or any branches of the Bank of China)

and notify CSKOBA (re: Ronny Tang) at
info@cskoba.org or Fax: 2525-8725 with
1. Name
2. F.5 Grad year
3. Mobile number
4. Email address
5. Payment proof

Spaces are limited. Please act fast to reserve your places!

Larry Leung (1990)
CSKOBA President

Author: webadmin

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