CSK 2014 Marathon Team

Chinese Version

Dear old boys:

Our school is organizing a CSK Marathon Team to participate in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2014. The team will be opened to CSK students, old boys, staff, and parents.


For Old Boys who have already registered for SCHK Marathon 2014, please register with CSK P.E. Department Head, Mr Wong Tak Shing (tswong@tswong.net). For details, please refer to our CSK Sports page: http://hkpe.net/cskpe/main.htm.

The CSK P.E. Department will arrange briefing and training sessions for the participants, to be held on 2 February 2014 (Sunday), 9:00am – 12:30pm. One of our old boys and ex-OBA Committee, Mr Theodore Lai (1981), has kindly agreed to sponsor the team’s T-shirts in the event.

For those old boys who are interested in joining this event, please send your name, year of CSK F.5 graduation and contact details (email & mobile) to Mr Wong Tak Shing (tswong@tswong.net).

Larry Leung (1990)
CSKOBA President

Author: webadmin

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