Message from the President – John Leung Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dear CSK Old Boys,
I am taking this opportunity to ask for your support for a Memorial Scholarship set up in the name of our past schoolmate, Mr. John Leung (1956-2011). Please see following extracts from this year’s school magazine for more background information on Mr. John Leung. Scholarships will be given to the current CSK (La Salle) students who have good performance in soccer or sports, who will be nominated by the PE Department. Each scholarship will be for the amount of not more than HK$3,000. Two scholarships will be given to the students each year and their names will be published in the school magazine.

The ‘JOHN LEUNG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND’ is not set up or administer by our Association. It will be under the direct supervision through the CSK Old Boys’ Foundation Limited, a separate entity jointly administer by the School and the old boys representatives. However, this fund raising activity is very meaningful in memory of an outstanding CSK old boy, and would be beneficial both to the current and future students of our Alma Mater, the CSK Old Boys’ Association executive committee has decided to give our full support to their campaign.

If you are in a position to make a donation towards this Memorial Scholarship, please make cheque payable to “Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College Old Boys’ Foundation Limited”, addressing to our School at – 4, Sheung Wo Street, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please also state – “JOHN LEUNG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND” at the back.

Ronny Tang [1979]
President of the CSK (La Salle) College Old Boys’ Association

School Magazine

Author: webadmin

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