Brother Alvaro, Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers visited Hong Kong

Representatives from CSKOBA, together with CSK school management, teachers, students and PTA, and other Hong Kong Lasallian schools, met with Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, Superior General, and Brother David Hawke, General Councilor, of the De La Salle Brothers on March 25th.

Brother Alvaro, on his second terms of office as the Superior General, paid a visit to Pacific Asia region in 2010, After visiting other Asia countries including, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia ……. Hong Kong is the last stop to conclude his trip.

During his stay in Hong Kong, Brother Alvaro has met in meetings with representatives from the Hong Kong Lasallian family, the Lasallian Education Council, and paid a field visit to De La Salle Secondary School in Sheung Shui.

Photo: Brother Alvaro, seated third from right, and Brother David Hawke, seated second from right, with Hong Kong Lasallian brothers and members from CSK.
Author: webadmin

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