NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College Old Boys' Association Limited ("CSKOBA") will be held on August 14, 2022 (Sunday) at…
all events related to Old Boys, or worth sharing with Old Boys
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College Old Boys' Association Limited ("CSKOBA") will be held on August 14, 2022 (Sunday) at…
各位足球⚽️好友們有新消息!六月份硬地足球活動落實進行。日期:六月五日 (日)地點:九龍仔 硬地足球埸 (九龍仔游泳池隔離)由九龍城延文禮士道上硬地足球場 1和2號場時間:17:00- 19:00已confirm有兩隊師兄弟出嚟。 有興趣者(就算係一個人嘅話)歡迎報名參加,請聯絡Kelvin 9140 1525。 返完CSK攞50周年紀念品後一起去踢波⚽️啱晒時間!
Dear Registrants of 50th Anniversary Dinner, Postponement of Collection of Souvenirs Since the COVID-19 situation is very severe, we have decided to postpone the collection of souvenirs originally scheduled on…
Dear Old Boys, We have been informed that KITEC would terminate their banquet service in February,2022. As the government restriction policies are still effective, and the change of business strategy…
感謝這次參與MyCareer既18位師兄,分享他們的行業資訊。 MyCareer 2021-2022 包括以下行業 : i. 軟件工程師 Software Engineerii. 網絡安全顧問 Cyber securityiii. 工程師 Engineeriv. 市場推廣 Marketingv. 記者vi. 中醫vii. 醫生 Doctorviii. 放射治療師 Radiographerix. 消防隊長 Station Officerx. 律師 Lawyerxi. 社會企業創辦人 Founder of…
踏入冬季,天氣好當然要約埋朋友仔打波。今次輪到🏀波友,舊生會特意在CSK操場安排了籃球場,讓各舊生回味一番。重温那些年一起流過的汗水💦! 日期: 19/12/2021(SUN)時間: 15:00 - 17:00地點: CSK 操場 有興趣參與的舊生,歡迎WhatsApp 聯絡Ian Tan 9633 3231。因為學校防疫需要,此活動只限舊生及其家人參加。所有參與者需預先登記。當日泊車位有限,先到先得!
不經不覺新學年已經踏入第三個月,中六學生好快又要面對DSE考試。究竟揀咩科好?畢業之後有咩工作可以考慮?份工前景又好唔好?一大堆問題想搵人問? 又係我地舊生出埸嘅時候,可以同班師弟分享一下關於生涯規劃嘅經驗。 誠意邀請以下各行業師兄弟: 會計師金融行業醫生物理治療師消防/海關...IT (game designer/ programmer....)律師音樂 (填詞/作曲.....)運動 (教練/運動員....)護士記者設計師工程師 *如果有師兄弟從事以上無提及既行業,當日又有時間參與亦可以聯絡以下負責人!*日期:2021年11月27日地點:CSK禮堂及班房時間:1330-1630集合地點:Rm.125 (校務處)有興趣參與既舊生,請WhatsApp 9872 8104聯絡Kenneth。多謝大家!
Dear Old Boys, Due to continuation of restrictions policy by government, the 50th Anniversary Dinner will be further postponed to 22/01/2022. Details please refer to the rescheduling letter as below…
Dear Old Boys, Due to continuation of restrictions policy by government, the 50th Anniversary Dinner will be further postponed to 13/11/2021. Details please refer to the rescheduling letter as below…
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College Old Boys' Association Limited ("CSKOBA") will be held on August 1, 2021 (Sunday) at…